Monday, January 31, 2005

Title!? We Don't need no stinking title

I know what you're Thinking....some drunken asshole just posted his entry to the wrong blog. It has been known to happen. But just this once that is not true. See I wrote this last night, then I passed out before I could post it, andI just don't feel right about posting a "weekend" blog on my site when clearly it is not the weekend....

In all honesty, I was just going to delete it, and maybe I should have, but Javen promised me if I post this he would make the post to end all posts...No Pressure.

Oh well,

I've been drinking....and now I don't know what to do. The common sense part of me is screaming at me to please pass out, while the sufferin artist in me keeps screaming "Blog you fool. Blog!!" and of course all this time the Jiminy Cricket in me is screaming, "It's perfectly OK to go pass out!!"

It's kind of a weird night, which is the perfect ending to what was kind of a weird weekend. I can't explain it, but I really didn't like this weekend. Don't get me wrong, it was filled with good times and new bars. Two things I have traditionally buitl my campaign platform on. I got to do all that and still spend all day today by myself, something that i am starting to learn to really enjoy. It soundslike this should have been a perfect weekend, but as I sit here typing I can't shake the feeling that this weekend was just missing something.

Perhaps it's the fact that I never took a nap. Normally at some point on both Saturday and Sunday I compensate for my inability to sleep past 8 Am by sacking out for a good 45 minutes on the futon. If I'm lucky and it's a really good weekend, I may even nap twice in a day. I call that the jackpot. But thanks to some pretty shitty planning on the part of yours truly, the nap never materialized despite spending all day Saturday with no caffeine. (Note to self: Avoid future commitments after 11 Am on Saturday morning.)

Yeah I definitely missed the naps, and of course theother thing I really missed was my favorite part of most weekends...the weekly stop at the McDodnald's drive through for a large coffee and two $.99 double cheese burgers. Most weekends, this is the highlight of my weekend.

So now here it is, all of a sudden 11 Pm on a sunday and I am sitting here drunk and dreading work, and being pissed at myself for not taking enough "Dan Time" this weekend to get my mind off work and all its stresses. My stomach is a combination of a pit of despair pining for a longer weekend and bubbling cauldron of indigestion from the combination of Hot Dogs, Baked Potatoes and Pop-corn that made up my three-course dinner.

BY rights I should be dying and writing this blog while perched atop a toilet with a mild case of the green apple splatters, but, instead, i am sitting here in my recliner all sweaty and confused and wondering just where the hell the weekend went and what this blog is about.


Blogger Bojangles said...

I swear my weekend was about four minutes long. Maybe it was just the delightful presence of Bill Shannon (and the Rage, of course), but Friday turned into Monday almighty fast.

Did I ever mention that I hate the EOE series Tilt?

8:15 PM  

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